ACCOUNTING-According to Kantian theory was Alan Turing’s

Week 13 Tutorial (Not Assessed)Lecture: Is responsible business important?Read the following excerpt from a review of the movie The Imitation Game (2014). It depicts thestory of pioneering British computer scientist Alan Turing’s role in developing the code breakingmachine Enigma during the second world war. Be prepared to participate in a classdiscussion.…once Turing and his team have broken the Enigma code they realize a passenger convoy isabout to get blown up by German U-boats. The assistants immediately try to telephonemilitary command to warn of the impending danger but Turing throws the telephone aside.No he says we mustn’t let the Germans figure out we broke the code or they’ll change it.The team agrees: Better to use only some of the information they glean from decipheringEnigma so that Britain can win the war and more lives are saved in the long run. But wait!One of the smart people on the team discovers his brother is on the passenger convoy! Whatwill happen now? Has this changed the moral calculus? It’s as if the most cliché moraldilemma in the universe has come to life. Staring the teary assistant in the eyes Turing holdshis ground.Read more: According to Kantian theory was Alan Turing’s action to ‘play God’ so that ‘Britain canwin the war and more lives are saved in the long run’ ethical? Why? Justify using three keyprinciples of Kantian theory.2. What would you have done if you were Alan Turing?