Adaptive Leadership

In Milestone One, you assessed feedback from the employee engagement survey results, comparing and contrasting the results with the Leadership Circle profile. In the Module Two assignment, you completed your individual Leadership Circle profile and developed the personal development plan in your role as the director in the organization, which you reviewed with your manager, the vice president of leadership and learning. The vice president was impressed with the thoroughness of your assessment and sees value in developing your approach into an adaptive leadership toolkit for use by all people leaders in the organization.

The vice president has asked you to develop an adaptive leadership toolkit that will be used as a reference document for leadership improvement by the entire organization. The VP will then share the toolkit youve developed with the chief human resources officer (CHRO).

Adaptive Leadership Toolkit Template
Access the Adaptive Leadership Toolkit Template. You will note the similarity of the toolkit template to the GROW model template.

Leadership Competencies
Refer to your Milestone One submission and populate the leadership toolkit template with your recommendations. Then populate the template with the leadership competencies you deem most critical for success.

Desired Future State, Current State, Identified Gap, Action Plan
Populate the remaining columns in the template: desired future state, current state, identified gap, and action plan. As you do so, consider behaviors that need to be addressed for improvement in underperforming areas as identified in the employee engagement survey results.

Desired Future State: Define the future positive rating needed for each survey question identified in your previous assessment. Also provide a two- to three-sentence summary paragraph defining what success in this competency area would look like.

Current State: Define the current positive rating achieved for each survey question identified in your previous assessment. Also provide a two- to three-sentence summary paragraph defining how you would define organizational leaders current behavior that resulted in a lower-than-acceptable rating.

Identified Gap: Identify one to two probable reasons that leadership behaviors need to be addressed to improve overall organizational performance.

Action Plan: Identify one to two actions that will be initiated to close the gap between the current state and the desired future state. Use the SMART process when describing each action.

Guidelines for Submission

To complete this milestone, you must submit the following:

– A complete and formatted adaptive leadership toolkit, using the template provided, that is ready to be rolled out to the entire organization
– An executive summary report, constructed as a Word document of 2  pages, for submission to the vice president; the summary report shall contain the following:
1. A thesis statement summarizing the focus of the paper
2. An introduction to the adaptive leadership toolkit that provides an overview of its structure and a brief description of each section
3. An explanation of the rationale used to select the leadership behaviors identified in the toolkit and how they directly relate to the employee engagement survey results
4. Recommendations on next steps required to roll out the adaptive leadership toolkit to all people leaders in the organization

1. Leadership Competencies:    Populates template with leadership competencies from Milestone One submission
2. Desired Future State   
3. Current State
4. Identified Gap
5. Action Plan
6. Executive Summary Thesis Statement
7. Adaptive Leadership Toolkit Introduction
8. Rationale for Selected Leadership Behaviors
9. Recommendations for Rollout of the Adaptive Leadership Toolkit