Adult Depression

1. What you should know about adult depression.The Joint Commission is the largest health care accrediting body in the United States that promotes quality and safety. Healthcare organizations help patients. What you should know about adult depression was developed in collaboration with SpeakUPTM. Everybody feels blue or sad sometimes. Depression is more than just feeling sad. When you are depressed you lose interest in activities, and you may feel overwhelmed, agitated or isolated. You may feel like things will never get better. If you have these feelings for two weeks or longer, you may be depressed. Depression is a common, but serious condition. The good news is that you are not alone and you can get better and feel like yourself again. This brochure gives you information about depression, questions to ask a doctor or therapist, and advice on how to speak up if you or a loved one needs help.  

2. What are the warning signs of depression?  Feeling sad, down, irritable, nervous, or out of sorts. Loss of interest or pleasure in almost all activities. Feeling worthless, guilty, hopeless, or helpless. Eating more or less than usual. Difficulty thinking or making decisions. Little or no interest in sex. Low energy, tiredness. Feeling restless or agitated. Sleeping more or less than usual. Withdrawal from others.Talking about or having thoughts of death or suicide. 


APA FORMAT, TIMES NEW ROMAN, FONT 12, 3 PAGES (exclude cover page & reference page), 2 SCHOLARLY REFERENCE ARTICLES (Less than 5yrs) 

 a. Title and Introduction of brochure.  

 b. Summary of article ( Explain the main topics discussed) 

 c. Communication  (Review information that promotes communication between patients and healthcare  providers)

d. Personal Reflection  (Why did this topic interest you?) 

e. Evaluation of brochure. Include the following;

i. Was the information provided in the brochure beneficial? Could you incorporate it in your patient education? 

 ii. What was done well, and what could have been improved in the brochure? 

iii. Was the information presented clearly? 

 iv. Did current nursing or healthcare related research article support the information presented in the brochure? 

 v. What population or individuals does this article apply to (i.e., who will benefit the most from this brochure)?  

 vi. Who else can use this information?

 vii. Will this information increase patient safety? 

 f. Evidence Review & Application  ( Integrate evidence from a recent (5 years) scholarly nursing journal article to support your answers) 

g .Conclusion  (Restates main ideas. Includes supporting information from body of paper)