adult learners(NO PLAGARISIM)

Unit:  Successful Adult Team Learning 

Due Date: 2/12/2021      

Deliverable Length:  3-4 strong paragraphs 

Part 1

You are in Day 3 of a 5-day supervisor training course. As the  session opens, you notice that two of your students are missing. Some  other members of the class suggest that they may have been out drinking  last night.

  • How do you manage the time line for your session, while at the same  time investigating and solving the mystery of the missing students?  
  • Mention research that you have done on the topic of adult discipline. How far should you go in disciplining the students?  
  • Align your responses with theory and support your statements with scholarly literature.

 Source references and citations should be  accurately formatted per the APA manual. 

 Please make certain to add an open-ended question  to motivate others to respond. 

2-3 correctly formatted references (APA STYLE)

NO PLAGARISIM !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!