Advanced Nursing Inquiry and Evidence Based Practice

 Conduct a virtual library search for a studies  related to your group PICO question. It will be used for your   Critical Appraisal Presentation (NOTE: The study chosen for your presentation must be a   Quantitative research study design). 

Criteria for approval ( and therefore should be screened as part of your search strategy) are all of the following: published with the last 5 years relevant to nursing (i.e., have nursing implications) uses quantitative methodology (data analysis uses statistical tests), not qualitative methodology (data analysis uses words) uses one, or a combination, of the following statistical tests to analyze data: Pearson correlation, Spearman rho correlation Simple Linear regression, Multiple Linear Regression (not Logistic Regression) T-test, Mann-Whitney U test, chi square (2), Wilcoxon ANOVA (ANalysis Of VAriance) (not  not Multiple Analysis of Variance (MANOVA) or  Analysis of Co-Variance (ANCOVA) 

PICO questions are attached . what I need is the tutor fixed the pico questions and conduct a library search for a article related to it  that meet the criteria the professor is asking