Advanced Pollution Prevention

In this course, you will be working on a cumulative project in Units II, III, and V. This first portion (Unit II) of the course project involves a life cycle analysis (LCA), the second portion (Unit III) will be a pollution prevention (P2) audit, and the third portion (Unit V) will focus on corporate philosophy related to P2. You will be choosing one product to study and research throughout those three units; therefore, it is advised that you read the requirements of all three course project assignments before making the choice of what product you want to research. If you need ideas while choosing a product, refer to later chapters in your textbook (Chapters 2332). Each of those chapters is narrowed down to a specific industry that may interest you. It is not required for you to use a product in the textbook; however, these chapters could be of assistance if you are having trouble determining which product to choose. 


The Unit II Course Project requirement is to prepare an LCA of a product of your choice. Your LCA should:

  • be qualitative and quantitative,
  • be written in paragraph form,
  • include tables and figures (if applicable),
  • include a section exploring the value of ISO 14001 certification, and
  • not be a simple LCA with only items and quantities. 

To successfully complete this part of your project, ensure that you are examining the example LCAs explained in your course textbook and the unit lesson. These resources will be invaluable to you. You must utilize information in the course textbook and at least one peer-reviewed article from the CSU Online Library. In your paper, limit the number of direct quotations. The vast majority of your paper should contain paraphrased information from your sources and should include your own thoughts on the life cycle assessment.Your project should be at least two pages in length. A title page and references page must be included; however, these pages will not count toward meeting the minimum page requirement. Adhere to APA Style when constructing this assignment, including in-text citations and references for all sources that are used. Please note that no abstract is needed.