
Heart Healthy Advertisement

A picture containing green  Description automatically generatedThe reason behind  needing to understand pathologies is not only to provide treatment after the fact, once the pathology has occurred, but ultimately to find ways to prevent them in the first place.

It is likely that as you work your way through the myriad of diseases, illnesses, and trauma that can affect us, you will say “I don’t want THAT one!”.

Prevention matters.

The focus this week is on heart and vascular pathologies, many of which are preventable. Arguably, the most important resource about heart and vascular disease and prevention is the American Heart Association (AHA). While they educate about the pathology, they also work very hard to educate about healthy lifestyles to avoid the pathology in the first place. Navigate to , seven things people can do to reduce their risk of cardiovascular disease.

Report on Lifes Simple 7.

Include the following aspects in the assignment:

 Prepare a one-page report on keeping the cardiovascular system healthy

 Summarize Lifes Simple 7 steps to a healthy lifestyle

 Create a colorful and visually-appealing one-page graphic in your media of choice (Word, PPT, etc.) of the 7 items to pass out to your chosen group (this is worth 10% of the grade)

 Include on the one-page written report how Lifes Simple 7 will reduce cardiovascular risk

 Consider delivering your report and graphic to a group of your choice (PTA, church group, senior citizen center, etc.) (not required)

 You can use royalty-free graphics from . Have fun with this!