
write a paper answering the questions established in this brief about (Barilla Pasta) brand

1. Define the different target groups/audiences of your brand [10%], and identify its real-life media strategy to reach all of them differentiating between Paid, Owned, and Earned media [25%]. 

2. Your brand is launching a new product/service (of your choice) in your country/market. Please develop the media plan for 2021 considering the following: 

o Define the target groups/audiences (demographics and psychographics) for the particular product/service chosen. [10%] 

o Select the Media Mix (taking into account the media landscape of your country) and briefly explain the rationale behind your selection. [10%] 

o Explain how you would distribute your media Budget. Create a pie chart showing allocated percentages per media (based on your Media Mix). [10%] 

o Define the seasoning and timing of your strategy (when would you place ads?). [10%] 

3. Perform secondary research online to identify a negative reputation issue related to your brand, and evaluate how it was affected by it [25%].