Advocacy Letter JW

Respond with 2 references APA 7th edition 

Dear JB Pritzker,

My name is student and I am a resident of Chicago,Illinois I am writing to advocate for Medicaid expansion in our city.

As a medical social worker, I witness firsthand the struggles many of our neighbors face in accessing essential healthcare due to lack of insurance coverage. Too many in Illinois fall into the “coverage gap” when they earn too much to qualify for Medicaid, but not enough to qualify for subsidies on the ACA marketplace. This leaves working families and individuals financially and physically vulnerable.

Recent research has demonstrated the significant benefits of Medicaid expansion. A comprehensive study by Venkataramani & Chatterjee (2019) found that Medicaid expansion was associated with improved access to care, better health outcomes, and reduced racial disparities in healthcare utilization. Additionally, Guth et al. (2020) reported that Medicaid expansion states experienced lower mortality rates and improved health outcomes compared to non-expansion states.

Expanding Medicaid would provide affordable health insurance to approximately 275,000 more low-income residents in Illinois. A study by North-western University estimated it would add billions in economic activity and create approximately 24,000 new jobs. More would have access to preventative care, and our hospitals would realize reduced uncompensated costs currently shouldered by taxpayers and those with private insurance paying higher rates.

Furthermore, research by Gujral and Basu (2019) revealed that Medicaid expansion led to a significant reduction in hospital closures, particularly in rural areas, thereby improving healthcare access for underserved populations. I’m asking that you support legislation in the upcoming session that would expand Medicaid eligibility up to 138% of the federal poverty level, as allowed under the Affordable Care Act. It is a sensible solution that has been adopted by 38 other states to their benefit. It would mean a great deal to the health and financial security of families in my community.

Thank you for your attention to this critical issue. Healthcare is a right, not a privilege, to all our residents. I hope Illinois will join the majority of states that have expanded Medicaid. I appreciate your reply and your support on any expansion legislation.




Gujral, K., & Basu, A. (2019). Impact of rural and urban hospital closures on inpatient mortality (No. w26182). National Bureau of Economic Research.

Guth, M., Garfield, R., & Rudowitz, R. (2020). The effects of Medicaid expansion under the ACA: updated findings from a literature review. Kaiser Family Foundation37(6), 944-50.

Venkataramani, A. S., & Chatterjee, P. (2019). Early Medicaid expansions and drug overdose mortality in the USA: a quasi-experimental analysis. Journal of General Internal