Affordable Care Act

Health Reform Research Paper aka ACA Paper

200 points due 11/18 by 11:59

Each student will be responsible for a paper that compares and contrast the Affordable Care Act of 2010 (ACA) with one of the replacement proposals of your choice from at  and come up with your own conclusions based on the evidence about which healthcare reform is best fit for the United States. It should not be merely a recitation of interesting facts, but a short research paper. You will be comparing aspects of the ACA with a replacement act. You can compare and contrast the entire act, or just focus on a single topic such as women’s health.

The required length of the paper itself is 8-10 pages of text, plus the title page and references.

All papers must include at least six (6) different, referenced and acceptable peer reviewed scholarly sources other than assigned readings for this class. You may use the 2 sources from your Journal Article Review assignment. Internet sources that include information other than web-available journals are NOT acceptable for this assignment as part of the six (6) sources. Brochures or interviews also are not acceptable as part of the minimum number of sources required. Ten points will be deducted from your earned grade for failure to provide sufficient and appropriate sources.

Your paper must also follow the guidelines of professional writing and be typed (double-spaced); use a font size of 12; and have 1” margins. Papers that do not adhere to these type/font/margin stipulations will receive a 25 point deduction from their earned grade. Papers that include more than 4 lines of direct quotation (of ANY length) will earn a 50 point deduction. The paper is to be your writing, not that of someone else.  It should follow a commonly accepted format of APA 6th edition.  The paper will be submitted in SafeAssign.  All work must be done by you and original for this course.

Be particularly careful in using and properly citing web-based resources. The library has excellent handouts on proper format for web citations. Remember that ANYONE can post material to the Internet and there is no guarantee of quality or accuracy in a lot of it. Try to get your information from reputable sources.