American literature 1865-present

PowerPoint Presentation Assignment:

Each student will submit an original PowerPoint presentation during the

course. The presentation can be about an author or a particular literary 

movement studied in the course. The presentation must have at least 5 

slides with relevant, accurate information (not including the Title slide 

and a Bibliography slide)

  1. Introduction to American Literature 1865-1914 Vol. C pp. 1-16
  2. “Walt Whitman 1819-1892” Vol. C pp. 19-23
  3. Whitman,Song of Myself Vol. C pp. 23
  4. Whitman, The Wound Dresser Vol.C pp. 76
  5. “Emily Dickinson 1830-1886” Vol. C pp. 88-92
  6. Dickinson, Theres a certain Slant of light Vol. C. pp. 97
  7. Dickinson, (I heard a Fly buzzwhen I died) Vol. C pp. 103
  8. Dickinson, (Because I could not stop for Death) Vol. C pp. 101
  9. Dickinson, (Tell all the Truth but tell it slant) Vol. C pp. 109

Also, please read the following web resources:

  1. Whitman,
  2. Whitman,
  3. Whitman,
  4. Whitman,
  5. Whitman,
  6. Dickinson,