An analysis of effective Marketing campaigns to promote Blended study in Canadian universities


Need to write a Research proposal for 5 to 6 pages for above topic with references, need to cover below points precisely 

Introduction : Proposal introduction has five components

Establishing the problem leading to the study

Reviewing the literature about the problem

Identifying deficiencies in the literature about the problem

Targeting an audience and noting the significance

Identifying the purpose of the proposed study 

The Importance of Introductions :

Sets the stage for the project

Creates reader interest in the topic

Establishes the problem leads to the study

Places the study within the larger context of literature 

Reaches out to a specific audience

A research problem is the problem or issue that leads to the need for a study

Potential sources

Personal experience

Debate in the literature

Literature gaps that need to be addressed

Policy debates (in government) 

Research Problem Research Question

Write one paragraph per element (about 1 or 2 pages)

State the research problem

Review studies that have addressed the problem

Indicate deficiencies in the studies

Advance the significance of the study for particular audiences

State the purpose statement 

Outline : Purpose of Statement, its Significance and Meaning, Mixed methods purpose statement (Qualitative purpose statement + Quantitative purpose statement )

The purpose statement

Indicates why you want to do the study

Indicates what you intend to accomplish

Is the central controlling idea in a study

Is written in a sentence or several sentences

Sets the objectives, the intent, or the major idea of a proposal or a study

A mixed methods purpose statement:


Information about both the quantitative and qualitative strands of the study

A rationale for combining quantitative and qualitative strands

Guidelines include

Begin with words that signal intent: purpose, study aim, intent of

Indicate the overall purpose of the study from a content perspective

Indicate the type of mixed methods design (e.g. convergent, sequential)

Reasons for combining both quantitative and qualitative data