analysis of the Income Statement for 2020

Provide your analysis of the Income Statement for 2020 : 

Hotel du Port                Year 2020         All amounts in Swiss Francs (CHF) 


Account                                     Account Balance

 Insurance                                          21’000 

Rooms department – salaries and wages     155’000 

Food department – salaries and wages        163’000 

Beverage department – salaries and wages     42’000 

Food department – supplies             42’000 

Cost of food sold                    181’000 

Cost of beverage sold            63’000 

Room sales                         775’000 

Interest expense                  85’000 

Food sales                        341’000 

Beverage sales                 115’000

 A&G – salaries and wages           185’000 

Beverage department – supplies          13’000 

Advertising                                         24’000 

Maintenance contract                     59’000 

Depreciation                                     52’000 

Heat                                            40’000

 Power & Lights                            32’000 

Rooms department – supplies         10’000 

Property taxes                                     25’000 

Property taxes                                    25’000