Analysis Paper

i need to write a analytical paper, the idea is to use the resources to pick a political cartoon and then analyze it with one of the five tools below. Then you write your analysis paper.

You can use any analytical tool from the five below

You can pick any political cartoon from the sources below:


Length:  4+ pages

Format: MLA. (You may also use the format from your discipline if you wish).

Works Cited page? Yes, you need one in MLA format.  (You may also use the format from your discipline if you wish).

Questions to consider:

Have you written an analysis and not a summary?

Have you introduced the analytic principle? That would be the analytic tool you are using.

Have you applied that analytic tool carefully and systematically?

Does your analysis reveal nonobvious insights into the behavior or object?

Does your analysis interest you? If not, then why are doing it?  Choose something else.