Analytical Paper #1: Descriptions

Analytical Paper #1: DescriptionsYou are to prepare a Country Study of two states that you chose at the beginning of term. These states must be from different categories (liberal democracies post- communist and communist states new democracies less-developed states Islamic states or marginal states). For example you may choose to research France (a liberal democracy) and Guinea-Bissau (a marginal state) but you should not choose two states from the same category. Your instructor may want to suggest countries that would make suitable pairings for the study. You will need to examine several factors all of which can be found in the CIA World Fact book located” title=””> There are additional mega sites that offer information on individual states such as the University of Texas Latin American Network Information Center (LANIC)” title=””>lanic.utexas.eduand Columbia University’s Comparative Studies Portal” title=””> to Organize Your PaperThere will be three sections for each country. Each section should have its own paragraph.Country 1:General Data: your listing of the numerical and brief textual facts as provided on the attached list.Issue 1 (politics): statement of the issue background factors bearing on the problem possible solutions your recommendation in solving this issue and rationale for your decision.Issue 2 (economics): statement of the issue background factors bearing on the problem possible solutions your recommendation in solving this issue and rationale for your decision.Country 2:General Data: your listing of the numerical and brief textual facts as provided on the attached list.Issue 1 (politics): statement of the issue background factors bearing on the problem possible solutions your recommendation in solving this issue and rationale for your decision.Issue 2 (economics): statement of the issue background factors bearing on the problem possible solutions your recommendation in solving this issue and rationale for your decision.AnalysisHow are the issues in each of your two countries different? How are they the same?Are these differences impacted by the type of government existing in each country?What can you say about government’s ability to solve these problems?Are there any other countries you have studied that might serve as a model for the problems of Country 1 or Country 2?What general recommendations would you have for Country 1? Country 2?Paper length: 6- 8 pages total double-spaced (except if you are listing data in a table then single-space).For section 1 on the CIA World Fact Book Data this should be about two pages for each country. You may combine data in sections writing in paragraph style. Or you may list the data in a tabular format as long as it is well organized under the particular headings given. Try to match the data to the issues you are examining.Sections 2 and 3 for each country should be in paragraph form using the executive summary format (statement of the issue background factors bearing on the problem possible solutions your recommendations and your rationale).For the analysis section please compose three well-written paragraphs; one for country 1 one for country 2 and a concluding comparative paragraph. In the concluding paragraph try using the world “although” at the beginning of your thesis statement to show how these countries (and problems) differ.