Analyze the processes involved in computer forensics


The National Institute of Standards and Technology created the forensics hashing algorithm to determine whether data in a file or on storage media has been changed. This Assignment will provide information on how to process a public crime scene correctly.

Assignment Instructions

To process a public crime scene correctly, you must be familiar with criminal rules of search and seizure. Complete the following.

Part 1: Public Crime Scene Investigation

Describe what is meant by criminal rules of search and seizure. Include a discussion of search warrants and probable cause. (Minimum of 200 words)

Part 2: Digital Hash

Perhaps the single most interesting item in court trial proceedings is the veracity of evidence. A hash function satisfies this issue completely. Analyze the concept of a digital hash function.

    What is digital hash? (Minimum of 100 words)
    What is a digital signature? (Minimum of 100 words)
    How is a hash function related to a digital signature? (Minimum of 100 words)

Assignment Requirements

Answers contain sufficient information to adequately answer the questions and contain no spelling, grammar, or APA errors. Points deducted from grade for each writing, spelling, or grammar error are at your instructors discretion.

For assistance with APA requirements, please go to APA Style Central. You will find the link in the Academic Tools section of the course.

Directions for Submitting Assignment

Compose your Assignment in a Microsoft Word document. Save the document as IT316_YourName_Unit_5 and submit it to the unit Dropbox.

Assignment Grading Rubric = 60

Assignment Requirements    Points Possible    Points Earned
Part 1: Public Crime Scene Investigation
Student explains what is meant by criminal rules of search and seizure and includes a discussion of search warrants and probable cause. (Minimum of 200 words)
Part 2: Digital Hash
Student explains what a digital hash is. (Minimum of 100 words)
Student explained what a digital signature is. (Minimum of 100 words)
Student explained how a hash function is related to a digital signature. (Minimum of 100 words)
Total (Sum of all points)
Less deduction taken for spelling, grammar, and APA errors. Plagiarism is totally unacceptable.
New total after deductions.