Analyzed elements of the works

Each answer must have a minimum length of 250 words or more if necessary

1. Explain why, in his essay That to philosophize is to learn to die, Michel Montaigne affirms that the goal of our career is death . Support his answer with examples from the text.

2. Examine and comment on the importance of “the law of equivalence of windows” in how the protagonist from the novel Memories posthumous by Brs Cubas de Machado de Assis navigates his life.

3. At the end of the novel Memories posthumous by Brs Cubas, the protagonist takes stock of the negatives of his life, and concludes that he reached the “other side” with “a small balance” for not having transmitted to no creature “the legacy of our misery.” What social criticism can be glimpsed in the words of Brs Cubas?

4. Analyze the role of nature in the novel La amortajada by Mara Luisa Bombal and
explain your connection to death.

5. Contrast the ways that the protagonists Brs Cubas and Ana Mara in the novels Memories posthumous de Brs Cubas and La amortajada, respectively, weigh their lives from beyond. Also, illustrate and comment on the importance of the reflections that these two protagonists have regarding their affective relationships in their narratives.