Exploring Market Basket Analysis (Association Rule) with R

This assignment is to give you the hands-on experience with R for conducting Market Basket Analysis (Association Rule) using a real world data set. Please refer to the Chapter 14 in the reference textbook (through the link at the bottom under “Lessons”) and Chapter 16 of the official textbook for details. Then open , go over the example by using groceries.csv data set and the same R codes to reproduce the results step by step, study the way to explain the analysis in the example.

Now use the same R codes to repeat the Market Basket analysis as in the website but change the following support and confidence to mine some 10 rules:

  1. Set the minimum support to 0.001
  2. Set the minimum confidence of 0.9
  3. Show the top 10 rules

Now, under the Targeting Items, answer these questions (set the minimum support to about 0.001 and minimum confidence to be 0.1)

  1. What are customers likely to buy before buying yogurt?
  2. What are customers likely to buy if they purchase yogurt?
  3. What are customers likely to buy before buying chicken?
  4. What are customers likely to buy if they purchase chicken?

First, you need to follow the website example closely step by step and use the way the R outputs (numerical and graphical results) of the analysis are explained in it to give insights to answers based on the above required conditions. Please open the attached  for the R codes. You may also refer to textbooks to add some more numerical and graphical outputs to enrich your analysis (for bobus points).

Please copy/paste screen images of your work in R, and put into a Word document for submission. Be sure to provide narrative of your answers (i.e., do not just copy/paste your answers without providing some explanation of what you did or your findings). Please include Introudction, R codes with outputs, Figures and explanations with cover and reference pages. A good conclusion to wrap up the assignment is also expected. You also need to follow APA formats.
