250 words 

In this chapter, you asked to define and discuss the Data Analytics Lifecycle and Review of the Basic Data. Next, you will explain the phases in the analytical methods throughout the aspect of data exploration in a data mining environment. Lastly, you will provide an explanation of how focus data science to process Big Data and provide a clear solution for the business problem by using analyzing open-source R programming language. Please read the below questions from the chapters reading and choose one of them and then, post your initial response to it. Also, please respond to at least two of your classmates postings.

  1. Please provide a brief description of the six phases of the Big Data Analytics? Explain which ones are addressing the data visualization tools or steps? Describe how exploration data approach is effective monitoring accuracy of the collected Big Data?
  2. Please explain which Big Data Analytical phases are often used to address the importing and exporting of data by using R programming process? Which stages are helpful in detecting dirty data? What is the most successful visualization process analyzed variables?