Annotated Bibliography


Assignment 5. Developing an Annotated Bibliography 

You are to compile a 10 source  annotated bibliography for your topic using the APA format (please review an example of this format in the announcements). Remember do not state how you plan to use the information from your annotations in your research paper; merely state what the author(s) has/have stated that is essential to your research paper. After reviewing the sample annotated bibliography in the announcement’s section and you still do not have a thorough understanding you can always perform a search for annotated bibliographies on your computer to determine what they are prior to asking me. If you are still fuzzy on this issues ask me.

Learning Objectives: After performing this tasks students should be able to:

Utilize sources to enhance the credibility of their papers.
Understand how to correctly borrow from a source.
Find reliable sources.
Prepare an annotated bibliography.