Annotated Bibliography


Reading Annotated Bibliographies (20 points, due February 16, 2021): Choose four (4) articles based on topics that interest you from your reading in the course text Sheltered Content Instruction: Teaching English Language Learners with Diverse Abilities by Echevarria and Graves.  Refer to class topics and modules for listing of topics to choose from.

Each Annotated Bibliography should include the article citation in APA style, a summary of the content, and a reflection to personal practice. Each Annotated Bibliography should be a maximum of one-page double spaced. The Annotated Bibliographies should be of good academic quality and integrity and adhere to APA standards. Guidelines and an example of an Annotated Bibliography is provided in class. Refer to the Annotated Bibliography Template found under Course Content. The entire assignment consisting of four (4) articles should be submitted as one document in Blackboard by the due date.