Annotated Bibliography


The first step in your project is to understand the domain expertise of the capstone. This will allow you to become an expert within the domain area so you can provide a comprehensive and efficient solution for your client. ( capstone introduction is in pdf file).

In order to develop the expertise needed, you are asked to do research about the domain. This means finding peer reviewed articles specific to the domain and the challenge that are found within the domain. These article should also have relevance to the business question of the sponsor or the business questions that will help you define a solution. 

As you begin to gather article and sources, you may want to develop a map to help organize and categorize the articles and research you are doing along the way for this project. There are a variety of tool available to you to create visual maps. 

In this module, submit a two paragraph summary of at least three articles (that is two paragraphs per article). The summaries should include: 

  • An APA citation of the article 
  • A short summary of the main points of the article 
  • The findings of the research 
  • A statement of how the article is related to the business question. 

This document will be the foundation of what in academic circles is called an annotated bibliography.