Write an annotated bibliography for one of the scholarly readings assigned on genre theory. Be sure to start with a full citation of the reading and use bold for this header to distinguish the text from your annotation. You may take a look at on the full version of Robin Wood’s article “Ideology, Genre, Auteur” (1977).
An annotated bibliography is a three paragraph, 400-500 word assessment of an article you read.
- The first paragraph (usually the longest) summarizes the author’s argument and the conversation or research question with which it is engaged. Do your best here to present the author’s argument on their own terms. Quote a key phrase or two that help communicate the main idea.
- The second paragraph offers thoughts about what from this article could be useful for you, given your subject or area of interest. For instance, all of you will be writing about Star Wars in relation to ideas about genre. When you read a theory about what genre is or how genres change, are there ideas that do and don’t make sense for the way you’re thinking about Star Wars?
- The third paragraph discusses the limitations you see in the author’s argument given the scope, method, or subject matter used to make it.