answer a questions

Answer the following prompt(s) in your initial post (you will not be able to see the posts of your classmates until you make your initial post).  Discussion board posts are individual-level assignments.  Please do not discuss with your group members or anyone else within/outside of your section.  

Please read the attached article:

Connect the material in the above article to three distinct concepts we have covered in the course so far (i.e., chapters 1-6).  The three concepts must be from at least two different chapters.  It is fine if the three concepts are from three different chapters.  Describe each connection in 50-75 words with specifics from both the article and the chapter concept.  With the three connections, your discussion board write-up will be 150 words (minimum) to 225 words (maximum).  To keep things uniform, please use the following format: Chapter Number/Concept Name/Description in 50-75 words (not in bold font though) and leave a one-line gap between concepts.  See an example below with three concepts I randomly selected from chapters 1-6 just to illustrate formatting.

Chapter 3/Threat of New Entrants/Description in 50-75 words

Chapter 5/Consumer Surplus/Description in 50-75 words

Chapter 6/Complements/Description in 50-75 words