Answer questions


1. What design did this study use? (Experimental or Correlational)

2. What is/are independent variable(s)? (Specify the levels). Note: there may be more than one IV. Try to spot them all! 

3. What is/are dependent variable(s)? (List all dependent variables authors measured)

4. How many participants in the study? What methods (e.g., , computer, equipment, etc.) did authors utilize to measure variables? How did they manipulate the IV?

5. How many participants in the study? What methods (e.g., , computer, equipment, etc.) did authors utilize to measure variables? How did they manipulate the IV?

For 6 & 7:

Write no more than 10 sentences, the max word count is 250.In-text citation and  direct quotes are not needed (we will learn how to do that next week!). You cannot directly copy and paste the sentences/phrases from the original article. You must use your own words (paraphrase) to summarize. Each students writing should and must be different even for group members in the same group. Copying and pasting from any outside source is regarded as plagiarism behavior.

6. Write one paragraph to summarize and paraphrase a) the design the authors used for their project, b) identify the independent and dependent variables, c) talk about how the authors carried out their study (the methods), and then d) summarize the results. Make sure to follow above-mentioned requirements.

7. Were there any confounds in the study?  Explain why or why not, and explain how you think this confound might have influenced the results of the study.  Make sure to follow above-mentioned requirements.