Answer Questions APA

3-5 APA an references


  1. What were the two main findings in the PARC Case (1971)?
  2. Identify by exceptionality the students who were eligible for Exceptional Student Education under the provisions of the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (94-142) passed in 1975.
  3. If their disabled child attends a public school, do the parents have to pay for the education?
  4. Why is a regular education teacher included on the IEP (Individual Education Plan) team?
  5. Define the term appropriate education.
  6. Define the term Individual Education Plan” or “IEP.
  7. What did the U.S. Supreme Court decide in the Rowley Case?
  8. What did the U.S. Supreme Court decide the school had to provide in the Tatro Case?
  9. In Cedar Rapids v. Garret, The U.S. Supreme Court decided that the school had to do what for the student?
  10. What was the decision of the U.S. Supreme Court in Honig v. Doe?
  11. Explain the circumstances of when a school must hold a manifestation determination hearing?
  12. Explain the circumstances of when a school must develop a Behavior Intervention Plan (BIP) for a student?
  13. What is the definition of a least restrictive environment (LRE)?
  14. What is the definition of related services?
  15. What does the term Response to Intervention (RTI) mean for public school principals and teachers?