Answer the question below. What are your thoughts on how well the U.S. education system supports learners with special needs? (minimum 150 words) Study the resources in the lesson materials secti

Answer the question below.

What are your thoughts on how well the U.S. education system supports learners with special needs?

(minimum 150 words) 

Study the resources in the lesson materials section and respond to the questions below. You must reference information from at least two resources to receive credit for the discussion board.

Part 3

  1. What are some policies that the U.S. education system have put in place to help to meet the needs of exceptional children?
  2. What are some concerns about the level of support exceptional students receive in public schools across the country?
  3. What revelatory information can help you better serve exceptional students in your classroom?
  4. What can you do in your future classroom to promote the academic success of exceptional students?

(minimum 200 words)