Answering questions based on a document

Not every question has to be answered, but this is what is given by the professor to help start.

Points to Consider:
Why does conflict develop between Agamemnon and Achilles? In other words, what are the causes (both personal and situational) of the argument? Does the text suggest that one man is more responsible than the other for the conflict?
What kind of leader is Agamemnon? What really motivates him? From his point of view, what is threatening to his position?
What roles do Calchas and Nestor play in the Greek army? What evidence, if any, in the text suggests their opinions have credibility?
Why does Agamemnon’s offer of amends to Achilles not work? What does Achilles really want? What things are really motivating him?
Why do both Odysseus and Ajax fail in their speeches to persuade Achilles to return to the fighting? To what does each speaker appeal and why does he fail?
Why does Agamemnon fail to resolve his rift with Achilles? How might he have successfully resolved their differences?
The name Achilles means “He who brings grief to the people.” Do you think that Achilles is appropriately named? Why?
Which of the four types of conflict described by Coon is exemplified in the dispute between Achilles and Agamemnon? Explain.
Have you ever been so personally involved in a conflict that you had to be right, despite the consequences?