Any Cognitive Neuroscience Topic


A PowerPoint slides (no oral presentation) based on a journal article chosen from a major scientific journal (list of the approved journals is posted on Blackboard). You pick what you are interested in!  Each slide presentation will consist of 7 slides:     1.Title, your name and reference    2.Introduction topic and questions, and why it is important to so study it.   3.Methods –  how the question is being answered, design of the experiment(s)   4.Results what is found, highlight the major result   5.Conclusion what are the direct finding from the experiment.   6.Discussion how should the results be interpreted within a larger context   7.How does the study you have chosen relate to the material discussed in class?      Science   Nature   Neuron  Nature Neuroscience  Nature Human Behavior  Proceeding of National Academy of Science (PNAS)  Psychological Science   Journal of Neuroscience  Current Biology  Psychonomic Bulletin and Review  Journal of Experimental Psychology: General  Neuropsychologia  Cerebral Cortex  Brain      Topics from class and the textbook to help you choose a topic.   Gazzaniga, M., Mangun, R. and Ivry, R. Cognitive neuroscience: Biology of the Mind. Fifth edition. W. W. Norton and Company, Inc.      Chapters 10,2,9, 5, 12, 4: Learning and memory, lateralization, Emotion, Development and plasticity, attention and consciousness, object recognition,attention and consciousness, language and the brain, gross and functional anatomy    Thanks!