Any topic (writer’s choice)


Company Information

Company Name:
Supervisor/Manager Name:
Contact Information (email or phone number):
The number of direct reports:
The number of months/years in role:

Team/Employee Questions
1. What is your definition of a successful team/department?
2. In this department, what does going above and beyond look like? (trying to get to Organizational citizenship behaviors)
3. How does this department/company measure performance?
4. Can you walk me through the behaviors of your worse past employee?
5. Can you walk me through the behaviors of your best past employee?
6. How does the company look for these best behaviors during the interview process? (i.e, tests, assessments, questions asked, etc.)

Manager/Individual Questions
7. Can you describe your career journey up to where you are now?
8. What is your management style?
9. What skills do you think are most important to be effective in your position?
10. What are the challenges of managing employees in this department/company?
11. If you had a chance to change aspects of your job, what would it be?
12. What are the goals that are set for you in your role?

13. Do individuals have incentive/rewards programs?  What is the purpose? (i.e., increase production, increase morale, retention, etc.)
14. Do teams/departments have incentive/rewards programs? What is the purpose? (i.e., increase production, increase morale, retention, etc.)
15. Can you walk me through the last change that was initiated (large or small)? What was it? Was their resistance? Was the change lasting? How did it positively or negatively affect morale?
16. What are the organizational goals of the company?

Student Reflection Questions (this section should be 1-2 pages double-spaced)
1. What response(s) surprise you? Positive or negative 
2. Based on the response to any one question from your perspective, what would you do differently or the same? Make suggestions on what to or how to maintain.
3. If you were to become a manager, what characteristics do you think are most important to team success?  Are they similar or dissimilar to the question answered by your manager?
4. Do you believe the rewards for individuals and/or teams make sense?
5. Discuss your managers values and management style using their responses to questions 7 -9?