Any topic (writer’s choice)

Note I support Biden and harries.
Please write it in essay English

And its about usa government.

If u have any questions please get in contact with me please.

Please follow the instructions.

First Hundred Days Project
Due: May 5th

In the wake of the Great Depression, President Franklin D. Roosevelt looked back over the “first 100 days” of his administration to assess the progress of his economic recovery plan, the New Deal. Ever since, the first hundred days has become a significant benchmark by which we judge the success of a new presidential administration.

All this will not be finished in the first one hundred days. Nor will it be finished in the first one thousand days . . .nor even perhaps in our lifetime on this planet. But let us begin. 
John F. Kennedy

“We’ll press forward with speed and urgency, for we have much to do in this winter of peril and significant possibility.”
Joe Biden

The First Hundred Days Project consists of two parts.  In the first part you are asked to interview four different* people regarding their opinions, thoughts, concerns about the Biden/Harris administration.  In the second part you are asked to analyze your interview findings and share your conclusions about this new administration in a two-page essay.

Please submit your interview notes and your two-page essay on Blackboard by May 5th.  This Project is worth 20% of your Final Grade.

Part One:  Interviews (50%)
Please interview FOUR (different*) people sometime during the month of April.

Please take notes during each of these four interviews and submit these notes along with your essay.  Your notes do not need to be in full sentences or typed (photos of your handwritten notes are fine, as long as they are legible).  It is not necessary to include specific personal information of the person being interviewed, but please do provide a brief description including any information you believe is relevant for each person.

Interview Questions
Date of Interview:
Description of Interviewee:
Please describe what you know about the Biden/Harris administration.

Please describe 2 4 important actions the Biden/Harris administration has undertaken since taking office on January 20th? 

Why do you consider these actions important?
Would you consider these actions successful? Why or why not?

* of different ages, races/ethnicities, genders, religions, political parties/ideologies, immigration status, etc

What do you hope the Biden/Harris administration will do in the next 100 days?  Please be as specific as possible.

Do you consider yourself to be politically active? Please explain. No

How do you feel about the American Government right now? Please explain. Good

How do you feel about the future of the United States? Please explain.

Part Two:  Your Analysis (50%)
Based on these four interviews, and your own thoughts and observations of the First Hundred Days of the Biden/Harris administration, please write a two-page essay (typed, double spaced) responding to the following questions:

-After talking with these four individuals and observing the work of the Biden/Harris administration, how would you assess the administrations First Hundred Days?

– On January 20th, during the inauguration ceremony, National Youth Poet Laureate Amanda
Gorman, proclaimed, “We will raise this wounded world into a wondrous one.” 
What was Gormans vision? Has her vision been realized yet?  Please explain.

-Do you feel hopeful or discouraged about the American political system? Please explain.

Is this question part of your assignment? I'd be happy to help

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