Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose a country outside of North America.  The country you choose does not need to be one of the countries discussed in the cases studies, and your coverage of the following topic does not need to discuss auditing in that country. 

Write a one to two page essay related to this country addressing each of the following global/intercultural objectives and trait for the course:

1. Analyze and evaluate global or intercultural issues of the culture in the country.

2. Discuss stereotypical cultural conceptions and describe the complexity and variety of different cultural groups in the country.

3. Evaluate how your own cultural rules and biases compare and contrast with those from the culture in the country.

4. How would you interrelate respectfully with individuals representing cultures and perspectives in the country?

Please use the four areas stated above as bold headings in your essay.  Write one paragraph for each area.

Please provide answers based on your personal perspective.  I want to read your personal perspectives for these areas, especially for the last two items.