Any topic (writer’s choice)

Critical Success Factors:
(Provide a list of project Critical Success Factors.  Critical success factors are outcomes that must be achieved for the project to be considered a success.  They should correlate with the project objectives described in the section above.

Example:  The critical success factors include:
    Provide a central repository for all project related information portfolio, program and project
    Provide management, customers and project team members consistent, accurate and timely project information
    Provide a tool, which is scalable to the maturity level of the organization)

Cost and Benefits:
(It is important to quantify (high level) the financial benefits of the project, short-term and long-term, in the business case.  This is usually done in the form of a cost/benefit analysis.  The purpose is to illustrate the high-level anticipated expenses for the project and the potential return on investment to the organization.

    Project Expense Breakdown
Discuss the estimated project expenses (internal and external,) hardware, software, equipment, material, supplies, construction, and other project-related costs that will be incurred.
    Project Benefits Breakdown
Discuss the tangible and intangible benefits to be derived from the success completion of the project.  For each of the tangible benefits listed, explain the estimated profit/savings and how the estimates were arrived at.  For the intangible benefits, explain the favorable impact that the successful completion of the project will have on the organization, its workforce, other stakeholders, and its brand.)