Any topic (writer’s choice)

PRACTICAL EXERCISE PE 2-02-5                                                                                                                                TITLE: Military Heritage Essay    INTRODUCTION:    It is a well-accepted fact that the past helps determine the present.  Likewise, events and personalities of the past shape today’s military and those same events and personalities will contribute to the militarys future.  The senior enlisted community must make tomorrow’s leaders, regardless of rank, aware of military history so they too can advance in mission and purpose without having to repeat past mistakes.  This exercise provides the student the opportunity to explore the history and development of the United States/foreign military through experience, research, and knowledge.  Additionally, as Senior Enlisted Leaders, the ability to develop and submit detailed written projects is essential.  Providing information in a wellprepared and effective document often determines the success or failure of a project.        INFORMATION:    This assignment provides the student an opportunity to apply critical thinking skills in the development of a fact-based heritage essay.  For the purpose of this exercise, the students essay is the basis for a heritage briefing to the command.