Any topic (writer’s choice)

Crj 20
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Lecture Reading 2. Henslin. Race and Ethnicity

For this the pictures are also attached in the file so U dont have to long in to none

PowerPoint 2  Race and Ethnicity this one click in the link below

Supplementary Material 2. Miller. Domination and Subordination
For this the pictures are attached in the file

Part one

Answer to two of the following questions.
What are three myths of race?
What are the factors that heighten our sense of ethnic identity?

Define stereotypes, biases, discrimination, and racism.

How does frustration produce prejudice and discrimination?

What is the difference between forced and permissible assimilation?

Part 2

Domination and Subordination
This is a classical reading by Jean Baker Miller that makes us think carefully about the characteristics and the interactions between dominant and subordinate group members. The author argues that under conditions of inequality, we cannot understand or get along with each other. The reading provides wonderful descriptions of dominant and subordinate group traits. Here are some guideline questions to consider. They are optional so, feel free to take the discussion in a direction you want.

What is the difference between temporary and permanent inequality?

Is it easier to know subordinate or dominant groups?

Do subordinates suffer from more psychological tension than dominants?

What do you think can be done to improve relations between dominant and subordinate groups?

Read bellow

I will also need u to answer one off my classmate in two sentences I will post her ans and I will give u time