Any topic (writer’s choice)

Next, go to this website ( and take the quiz.

Answer the following questions after taking the quiz:

1. Where on the political map are you according to the quiz? Conservative, liberal, statist, centrist, or libertarian?

2. What does the quiz and text say about your political philosophy? Explain.

3. Do you agree or disagree with the quiz results? Explain.

Submit this as a .rtf, .doc., of .docx file only. The three answers must add up to at least 500 words (total, not each).

*** Reminder, your ANSWERS must add up to at least 500 words (this does not include the restatement of the questions, numbers, or any other comments).

Grading: Full credit will be earned if the answers are complete and thoughtful, and accurate. The files must be typed out and submitted in the assignment drop box using a .rtf, .doc, or .docx file only. Answers must add up to at least 500 words minimum.

Fourteen points will be awarded for submissions that include incomplete answers and work that includes more than three spelling/grammar errors.

Zero points will be awarded for submissions with incorrect file types or answers that add up to less than 500 words. Late work will also receive a zero.