Any topic (writer’s choice)

Make sure that you also indicate the theory mentioned in the questions, or what theory/concept you are relating to.
will cut off 20 points if I do not see your resources.
I will check plagiarism and cut off points according to your similarities.

1. Please consider one day which is considered to be celebrative day/event/occasion (such as mothers day, fathers day, valentines day, doctors day, etc.).

a. Please discuss how marketers use this occasion as an opportunity to sell more products and services as if it is a festival or ceremony.

b. As a consumer, do you fall into this pit and how do you deal with this day? Please discuss in detail.

c. Please also provide examples from other countries on the occasion, how do other people around the world behave on this day? What are the similarities and differences with your culture in terms of sacred or profane consumption or how this day is sacred or profane?

2. Please select a retail store (ex.Starbucks, Mango, Zara, Migros or any other). Sit for one hour and observe people.

a. Please take notes of how they behave in the store, how they interact with salespeople and other customers, whether they are alone or in a group, how they make decisions.

b. Also, please observe families as well. Please indicate gender and age and compare and contrast their behavior in terms of issues we discussed in class (cultural, subculture, group, socio-economic, self, etc.).

c. also, compare and contrast individuals and families in terms of how they behave. 3. Please watch this video.

a. Consider what she is discussing in terms of hedonic/utilitarian consumption. Are you a utilitarian or hedonic shopper? How do you make decision to buy things?

b. Relating to your consumer dairy, consider your consumption patterns. Needs or not? Do you buy things on the spot (impulse buying)? Please talk about an instance where you bought something on the spot and how you feel about it at that moment and how it felt afterwards.

c. With pandemic, go back to last year march and look into your consumption patterns. Any changes? Considering the Maslows hierarchy of needs, which stage were you more concentrated on? Now, come back to today. Is it still the same or any changes in terms of satisfying the levels of Maslow?

4. Please take 5 different countries (one should be Turkey).

a. Compare and contrast them in 5 different terms (terms of customs, traditions, architecture, etc.).

b. Now please consider Hofstedes dimensions we discussed in class. Again choose 4 different countries (one should be Turkey, if you are not Turkish) and compare those 4 countries to your country of origin.

c. Please talk about these differences in terms of consumer behavior. How would a brand differentiate its marketing efforts according to these differences (you have to talk about this in all comparisons).