Any topic (writer’s choice)

Topic: Poem of sonnet 29 by William Shakespeare;
-consist of 3-5 pages about a single sonnet from Shakespeare
-written in a formal, academic style of writing (proofread, no typos)
-have a clear interpretative argument (thesis)
(thesis statement usually is the last sentence of the first paragraph)
-have body paragraphs (usually at least three) that examine and develop your argument
-use examples and quotations to support your argument
most importantly: close read your examples and quotations with analysis, not summary

Remember, this is an analytical/interpretative essay. So it will not be enough to simply say Sonnet #30 is about memory. Or Sonnet #30 is about the feelings of the speaker for the young man, etc. Those are summary statements, that anyone who reads the poem would and can know already. With critical writing, the goal is to present an argument only you can contribute through careful consideration of the poem’s body, imagery, argument, turn, content, placement in the sequence, etc.