Any topic (writer’s choice)

Choose one of the following two maps to work on:

1. Map of the Seas, Mountains, and Lands of Japan (1694) (Links to an external site.)

2. Complete map of Hainan Island [before 1836]
(Links to an external site.)


Part I. (~100200 words)
Describe this maps important visual features and the spatial relationships it shows

Part II. (~100-200)
Situate this map in its historical background: What was happening in history during the period the map was made, and in the places depicted on the map? (Please use only scholarly sources. Cite all sources in MLA format.) Raise two questions about this map you would want to know more about.

Part III (300400 words)
Explain what this map wants the viewer to see and understand, and how it achieves its goals. Include the following:

What may have been the mapmakers goal for making this map, and how did you arrive at this conclusion?
What important cartographic choices did the mapmaker make, and why?

—————-You will be evaluated on your ability to: —————

identify key details on maps and show understanding of how maps function (50%)
connect the map to concepts covered in class and in required readings (50%)