Any topic (writer’s choice)

A requirement for creating future marketing leaders is the ability to a) stand out (in a saturated market)  b) be relevant in this 24/7 info-feed world  and c) Create immediate & massive calls to action (that lead to a sale).  Explain specifically 3 ways in which you would accomplish this, Post Covid, as the VP of Marketing Communication at an organization.

2. Traditional versus digital media

A)How does the integration of traditional (print) and digital media impact your choice of career paths ? Share 3 things that you have learned in this class so far that is making a difference in how you advance your knowledge of marketing, as you decide the next steps in your career path. Be specific.
B)What skills do you need to strengthen now to be the best leader, integrating these channels ? Why ?

3. Encore Casino Resort, Target ( , Pepes Pizzeria ( or CVS (

A. Choose 1 of the above companies

B. 1) Assess the level of marketing communication integration that currently exists on the social media platforms for your chosen company. 2) Suggest 3 specific ways that the company could improve its marketing communications over the next 90 days.