Any topic (writer’s choice)

For this analysis, you should have read through Ch 11 of All Gods Children and listen to the Podcast The Promise: Episode 1 A change is gonna come and Episode 6 The Future: (Links to an external site.) (scroll to the bottom to find Part 1 – episode transcripts are available on each episode page). For each theories analyzed, start by identifying the main elements of the theory and then apply the theory to the book by providing examples that either support or counter the main elements. You should be providing me with enough details and examples from the book to show you’ve done the readings. (500 words minimum).

Answer the following questions:

Chapters 8 & 9 introduce us to Willie. Apply Agnews General Strain Theory to Willies delinquent and violent behavior. Identify the sources of strain he experienced (provide examples) and explain why he reacted to strain with criminal behavior.  Follow the model of GST described in the lecture and in figure 6.2 in the textbook. I am looking to see if you understand and can explain how some strain can lead to criminal behavior for some people.
PODCAST: Discuss the ways in which the Cayce Homes’ redevelopment described in the Podcast The Promise is an example of policy implications stemming from Modern Social Disorganization theory. What did the city of Nashville hope would result from redeveloping the projects? What challenges did they face? Why is this difficult to implement?  What are the strengths of this approach to addressing poverty and crime and what are the weaknesses (these are evident in Episode 6)?  Use examples from the Podcast to support your points.  I would recommend starting by describing what Modern Social Disorganization theory is before analyzing the policy implications.
Some Rubric (9)
Some Rubric (9)
Criteria    Ratings    Pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeApplication of Agnews General Strain Theory
6 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeModern Social Disorganization and Cayce Homes’ redevelopment
6 pts
Total Points: 12