Any topic (writer’s choice)

Introductory paragraph with a great thesis statement
You need clear ideas, concepts and information
Use a lot of facts. Remember proving everything?
Don’t just give me a fact.Back it up with
Examples – at least one per main idea
Include a quote or a definition. CITE YOUR SOURCE!
Did I mention details?
Make sure you have a logical progression. Does your writing make sense and can the reader follow it? Remember, English teachers like:
Words that link one thought to another
Words that explain the relationship of one idea or example and another
Words that connect topics to the examples
You can use that list of transitions you printed from lesson 8
Give me a great conclusion that not only wraps up what you talked about but reflects on what you talked about.
Does your conclusion support the topic?
Does your conclusion tell me the significance of your topic?
Does your conclusion get my attention?
Is your tone formal?
Make sure you sound like you are writing to a teacher and not to your best friend
Think about throwing a metaphor orsimile in there to boost your points
Try to use good vocabulary. Throw in a couple of big words in the appropriate places
Check for spelling errors
Read the paper out loud. Did everything sound right, or did you make a mistake that you can catch and fix
Did you do your best?
Please and thank you.

Directions:Write a well-developed five (5) paragraph expository (informative) essay. Your essay must be in response to the prompt that follows:

PROMPT_ What specific skills and abilities make a person career-ready? Write an essay explaining these specific skills and abilities and how they make a person career ready.