I was denied a job because of my past arrest record that was dismissed in my favor 9years ago and I have no criminal history and no conviction. I have a clean record but the state board refuses to grant a security officer permit to work as a security officer and they wanted me to appeal their decision and give a good reason in writing why they should consider approving my license and also I have work for some of these companies in another state like Minnesota without any problems, and no companies have ever complained about me or claim I am a threat to their companies and their employees. 

Now, this is where I need good writing skills that will convince them to get this approval.

1. I am a married man, I have three kids who depends on me, I have no criminal history such as no conviction, I abide by the rules by following the law and order and I have never been arrested since 2013 which the case was dismissed in my favor,  every arrest I was involved in 2012 and 2012 was all dismissed in my favor. I have channel all my energy into earning a degree and taking care of my family and going to work.