Apple’s Performance In The Asian Market

Define a clear and specific audience for the final project (you will be required to identify specific contact persons in a particular organization). Your project should be focused on the needs/concerns of specific contact persons that would hypothetically have the ability to take action on the issues you will eventually discuss in your proposal.

Identify a clear and specific problem you aim to help the audience resolve. The problem should not be so large that it would be impossible to develop reasonable solutions over the course of the semester (for example, topics like resolving world hunger or addressing pollution would be too large in scope).

Develop a strong and multifaceted research plan, involving primary and secondary research, to help resolve the problem you’ve identified.

For this discussion board post, I’d like us to further refine our topic ideas by beginning to think about research we might collect. I’d like you to describe three possible research methods that you might use to collect data and address the following questions. If you are finding it difficult to elaborate on the topic you selected for Discussion Board #1, I would consider modifying the topic:

What do you hope to learn by using a particular research method?
How might research methods compliment or supplement each other?
What rationale can you provide for the use of specific research methods? Why might one approach be more generative than another?

Requirement: 300-400 words

Topic is attached below.