Applied Learning Paper

1. What is the biggest reason why you do not turn to God the Father in repentance, faith, and submission?

2. What is your biggest objection to Christianity that prevents you from becoming a Christian?

Tell this person that one of your assignments is to address peoples questions, concerns, and/or objections to Christianity and that you would like to write about a topic of his or her own choosing.

Your paper needs to be 8-10 pages (complete with a title page and 8-10 different references) that addresses the persons questions, concerns, or objections. If possible, try to limit your paper to one main topic. This paper needs to be research-based with frequent citations from the literature and frequent references to Scripture. During the fifth class session you will participate in an ALP workshop. You will present an initial biography (with 8-10 different resources) and discuss any problems you have encountered. Your professor will give guidance during this workshop about additional resources and help you work through difficulties.
Where appropriate, consider using resources like Kreefts Handbook of Christian Apologetics and books by Lee Strobel, such as The Case for a Creator, The Case for Faith, The Case for Christ. Resources by R.C. Sproul and William Lane Craig are excellent for the more philosophically-minded non-Christians you encounter.