apply 1b

 Topic=  Improving the Value of Patient Safety Reporting Systems  

After your topic has been approved by the professor, prepare a 2 page paper in which you:

  • Define focus areas of study within your topic.

  • Describe the importance and background of your topic, current issues regarding the topic and highlight some future implications and  opportunities within the topic.

  • Develop a statement of the problem or issue. (State the problem in one sentence.)

 . Improving the Value of Patient Safety Reporting Systems  to identify safety hazards, prioritize where to focus resources, develop interventions to mitigate these hazards, and evaluate whether the interventions reduced harm. 

  • Connect the stated problem to a broad category of challenges and/or trends as it relates to your discipline major (Healthcare).

  • Identify relevant challenges and trends as it relates to your discipline major (Healthcare, Organizational Leadership).