Apply reading skills to determine the elements of effective writing. For this assessment, you will demonstrate your ability to apply reading skills to determine the elements of effective writing.


Imagine that you currently are a professional working in your career field. Your supervisor has noted you have strong reading comprehension and writing skills and has asked that you assist your coworkers who are struggling with these important skills. She has asked you to write a company newsletter to an audience of your co-workers, to define what effective writing is and to demonstrate to them how modeling their writing after the effective writing of others can improve their skills and help them to become even more effective team members.

Locate and analyze an effectively written, online article from a professional organization that you think demonstrates effective writing skills. Define for your coworkers what effective writing is. Share with your coworkers at least three effective writing strategies the author of the sample article uses in the article, and explain how applying these strategies from the article can help your coworkers, as professionals, to ensure the documents they write are also effective.

Your company newsletter should be 5-6 well-developed paragraphs in length, around 2 full double spaced pages, excluding the title page and References page.