Applying Levels of Prevention to a Population-Based Health Issue

The ultimate goal in population-based health care is to improve the health of the clientwhether that client is an individual or an entire community. The best way to decrease or omit the impact a health issue may have upon a client is to keep the client healthy, but this is not always possible. Even if the clients health is already compromised, a health care provider can introduce ways to lessen the problems impact. Through the primary, secondary, and tertiary levels of prevention, a health provider can design interventions that have the best chances to keep the client as healthy as possible.

For this discussion, use the health issue and population for which you developed your policy proposal in your Unit 6 assignment and address the following. Be sure to follow the requirements for initial postings found in the Faculty Expectations Message (FEM).

Explain how you would apply a primary level of prevention.
What would be the benefits and challenges of applying this level to your health issue and target population?
Explain how you would apply a secondary level of prevention.
What would be the benefits and challenges of applying this level to your health issue and target population?
Explain how you would apply a tertiary level of prevention.
What would be the benefits and challenges of applying this level to your health issue and target population?