Architecture Help

Comparison of 2 buildings. The 2 buildings must be from separate time periods.

You will compare and contrast the 2 buildings.

The HW should be over 2,000 words which is 4 to 8 pages, double spaced.

You should use pictures for reference and a cover page.

Site your sources, 1st or 3rd person.

Choose the 2 buildings from Buildings Across Time, 5th ed. Michael Fazio

Chapter 11 Renaissance Architecture

Chapter 12 Baroque Architecture

Chapter 13 Neo-Classicism, Romanticism and Rococo

Chapter 14 Eclecticism, Industrialization and Newness

Chapter 15 The Twentieth Century and Modernism

Chapter 16 Modernism and the Mid- and late Twentieth Century and Beyond

Consider the following in your HW:

• Provide the name of the building, location and Architect and year it was built.

• Analyze the buildings formal and iconographic meaning, its social, functional or

religious significance, and its cultural and historical context and aesthetic, cultural,

economic factors

• Provide any relevant chronological, regional, and stylistic development of the

architecture surveyed.

• Define and articulate your building with architectural terminology.

• Identifying any technological developments affecting the styles/movements studied.

• Apply your own observational and critical thinking skills in the analysis of historical

works of architecture.