Argument Analysis Post (Free will vs. Determinism)2828 unread replies.2828 replies. Is free will an illusion? In these two papers, Wegner argues that all human actions are caused and that humans only

Argument Analysis Post (Free will vs. Determinism)2828 unread replies.2828 replies.

Is free will an illusion? In these two papers, Wegner argues that all human actions are caused and that humans only experience free will as a side effect of consciousness. Donald disagrees. He believes that humans may actually be causal agents (and this is due to the unconscious mind). While Daniel Wegner was a psychological scientist (and thus, strictly a determinist) Merlin Donald is a philosopher.

Please download and read the argument analysis instructions very carefully. This document includes instructions for the argument analysis paper and the argument analysis discussion post. As a reminder, you’ll be discussing the best and worst evidence presented for each side of the issue.

The articles you will read this week are below: